It's not where I've been, rather it's where I'm going.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Reunited with First Love!

So it has reached that time of the year again where itchy feet means a new adventure is on the horizon. This time, this adventure begins with my very good friend Cammie. We booked this trip after realising we both require some much needed 'girl time' after both becoming recently (and fabulously!) single and ready to venture back to a city we are in love with and in turn loves us right back!
New York has always been my first and greatest love and the place in the world where I feel I have found my little niche. I genuinely believe this place, the greatest place on earth is my real home. Some girls after reading and watching ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ went on a spiritual journey to try and find a place where they belong, or a place where to find themselves. I am so grateful that I found my spot when I was just 18. The city which has shown so much courage, hope and strength to overcome adversity - gives me the resolution to do the same.
After bidding Mum and Dad adieu at the airport, they commenced their trip on Sunday through to America, Canada and then after a month of traveling will head back to their home in Dubai. It has finally dawned on me that the next time I’ll be heading back to the International Departures in a little over a week we’ll be commencing our very own journey.
It feels like an eternity for this trip to roll around however after organising a limo to greet us at JFK Airport (in true 'Carrie/Mr Big' style), staying with friends, make a trip to the Hamptons, have picnics in Central Park, head to a NY Giants football game and a night out on the town in Jersey. We also plan to visit Woodbury Common for a little retail therapy and stroll down 5th Avenue to dream shop in Tiffany and Co.  – one could understand why we’re a little enthused!
The second half of our adventure will be greeted by backpacker hostels and bars in the hopes of meeting some fellow travellers to experience things we couldn’t by staying in hotels. With neither of us backpacking before, we are certain it will guarantee some laughs and stories only traveling can provide and will be sure to keep updates flowing with comedic hilarity!
I’m so looking forward to seeing what exciting, spontaneous adventures this trip holds! Stay tuned for more updates and pictures to boot!

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