It's not where I've been, rather it's where I'm going.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A side of pickle, please!

As another overseas trip fast approaches and the length of time from my previous blog post. I realised it’s time to update the adventures I’ve had recently!
So, late September last year my girlfriend Cammie and I took off an adventure. Typically I like to travel by myself, but it was really great having a friend with me particularly on the long haul flight.
Off we set from Brisbane and landed roughly 24 hours later on the same day in JFK airport – NEW YORK CITY!
Now I realise that the last few adventures of mine have been to New York however I really can’t get past this city, no matter how many times one goes  (think this was my 6th?) there is always something new to see and  wonderful to experience.
We were fortunate that my friend Dan was able to collect us from the airport and took us back to his lovely home on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Both Cam and I were feeling pretty grubby after traveling that far so we had a shower and to try and fit in with the time zone pushed on – popped out to a local diner and had a “Welcome to America” feast – hamburgers, fries and ketchup, with a pickle on the side… Pickles come with everything.... (I hate pickles)
The next few days we spent exploring around the East side of town – up and down 5th Avenue and Madison too, Grand Central station, went out to local restaurants for delicious dinners and as far as China (town) for lunch. We peered over the Brooklyn Bridge, tried to get to the Ground Zero memorial but it was too difficult with the tickets. Went to the ‘Top of the Rock’ for some prime viewing (a suggestion made by a very dear friend – Larry) this is an absolute MUST in NYC the views are better than that of the Empire State.
We spent a couple of days up in the Hamptons which quelled my fascination with shows such as Gossip Girl, had ice cream on the pier and strolled around the cute little shops in Sag Harbour.
After coming back to the city after having a bagel and coffee (or hot chocolate in Cammie’s case) every morning we’d set off on our new adventure – Central Park. It’s hard to actually describe how sizable this park is and so beautiful – mind you filled with tiny, tiny dogs. Next stop was Times Square – boy is this place nuts. Crazy, naked cowboys, Broadway, characters and tourists run rampant! It really is a jungle. The following night we stepped out to the Empire Hotel - those who aren't Gossip Girl fans, a hotel which appears frequently in the show, so we stopped by and the bartender told us the next day they were actually filming, so off we went again and managed to see Lily and Rufus (see my actual photo taken below)
One night we went out to Alphabet City to sample the night life – now this was an experience. Alphabet City is filled with bars and clubs (and University students) for that matter. After getting three-for-one drink cards and advice on which places to visit from locals we departed and found another one a few blocks up. It was awesome; we met up with a group of great people and danced the night away. We left this particular bar after an hour or so and moved on to the next one. This bar looked like its theme was inspired by a Nelly film clip… exposed pipes and fire sprinklers. Kinda cool. In the morning Cammie realised she was down a phone and camera… not so cool.
We stayed at another friends apartment on the Upper East Side for a few days, so we lugged our bags (which had now grown exponentially) around 6 blocks away and set up camp for the next few nights. We had a lovely time and felt very at home.
The last two nights I was fortunate enough to have my parents traveling through New York (they currently live in Dubai) so was a fabulous opportunity to see them. We were staying in a hotel in Chelsea, which was a fun different part of the city than what we were used to… definitely a lot less peaceful and apparently Chelsea is the gay area of Manhattan – this turned out well for us as there were some
 great restaurants and nail salons!
Our two weeks there seemed so very short, we had many; many adventures and it lead me to go back for New Years Eve a few months later – story to come soon!

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